With a company dedicated to challenging taboo women’s issues and an illustrator known for infusing a feminist perspective into her work, a collaboration between Elvie and Kika Klat seemed almost fated.

Founded by Tania Boler in 2013, Elvie responds to women’s needs in a realistic manner, improving their physical and emotional wellbeing with a range of smart tools, designed to support across every stage of womanhood.
And with the help of Kika, their mission is currently taking centre stage on the streets of New York.
And with the help of Kika, their mission is currently taking centre stage on the streets of New York.

Highlighting the undeniable might of the female body alongside the versatility of Elvie’s fem-tech products, Kika designed two extraordinary murals, which reinforce Elvie’s message of female empowerment while simultaneously providing an astute snapshot into the strength of the sisterhood.

Combining power poses and resolute expressions with bold colours and eye-catching slogans, Kika brought Elvie’s superhero(ine) narrative to life, skillfully depicting those who breastfeed as a force to be truly reckoned with.
You can check out more of Kika’s work here.
You can check out more of Kika’s work here.
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